We are living in unprecedented times, and never did we think we’d see the whole world shift suddenly into working remotely, but how does this affect your car insurance? With the coronavirus outbreak at an all-time high all over the world, many employers are still keeping their workers in a work-from-home situation, even if part time, for the greater future.
Right here in T&T, although our active cases have dwindled to an impressive one case, many employers may still be hesitant to return to business as usual – with most awaiting guidance from our government for the final phases. But having spent the better part of the last two months working from home, many people are wondering how this change has affected their insurance policies, if at all – and we’re here to answer your burning questions.
“Do I still need car insurance?”
With most of the country having been shut down from regular operation, there are still considerably less cars on the road. Even as work reopens, we are still driving less – with less entertainment options to enjoy, or even less fetes, parties and limes to frequent. That being said, even if you’re driving your car once a month, you cannot choose to forgo your motor insurance. While you’re driving way less than usual, the government still requires all motor vehicles to have an active insurance policy – and the last thing you want is to be caught and fined during your one trip to the grocery store.
“Will my insurer offer a discount for reduced use of my car?”
Because of the unprecedented nature of this incident, it’s unlikely that your insurance provider will pass on large savings across the board, but we have been working with our insurer partners to offer discounts and price cuts where possible to our Shyft customers. Please speak to your Shyft customer service reps who can guide you on possible discounts on your upcoming renewal. As you know, Shyft’s number one priority is to always save you money where we can, and this is no different.
“I can’t afford to pay my insurance anymore, what do I do?”
Sadly, with all of the changes in operation schedules, as well as serious changes to the tourism and travel industries worldwide, many Trinbagonians have been faced with salary cuts, or even, job cuts. If you’re experiencing either one of these right now, we are so sorry. In this situation, talk with your Shyft CSR to utilize some of our many options.
We can arrange to switch your payments from annual to monthly, or work with your insurer to offer deferred payments at this tough time. Also consider lowering your policy cost at this time. The easiest way to do this is by changing your insurer and looking for the best possible premium available. As always, Shyft.tt allows you an easy and convenient way to compare insurance quotes from multiple insurers in just three minutes, so there’s a quick and easy way to find out if you can save thousands! Our team is available to chat about what changes you can make to ensure you stay protected at this time.
As we all know, there are no guides or how-to’s for dealing with these times, and the insurance industry is no different. Know that your coverage and claim service are the two things that won’t change, and our Shyft team is always ready and available to answer any questions you may have.